Wednesday, October 22, 2008
@ 1:45 AM
it's been a long walk.
it's been a fast year.
at the end of the day,
we were the only ones brave enough
to refuse comformity.
for that, i'm glad.
am i really?i don't know.
but what i know,
i appreciate bravery. against. conformity.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
@ 5:01 AM
Hey blog!
quite a bit happened since i last updated.
well, that's starting to sound far TOO cliche haha.
but nevertheless, we're checking our promo papers tomorrow.
*heart thumps*(hard)
but hey, i had some stress relief-activity with
-Lim Jun Jie
-Wesley Goh Say Wee(yeah he DID come to school today)
-Caleb Lim Fang Wei
credits to these people for their patience with my
-sense of soccer(
way off)
-cam-whoring while kicking the ball randomly.
here are some of the shots.

ooh! that's me!
*laughs hysterically*

was sort of hot.

i sorta got tired and waited for the ball to come to me instead.
ps : don't ask me why wesley is in that weird position.
jj decided to rape wesley half-way.
although wesley
did look willing.
okay this is quite a cool shot.
and you know what blog?
Soccer. was fun.
it's been a long walk.
but it;s been a fast year.
and tomorrow.
it's time.
this is it.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
@ 3:15 AM
been there done that.
it's the nth time huh?
and "i'll go where the chak white arrows go."
except that.
they've turned grey
black i think.
now i walk my own road.
i'd like to think it's fine.
but of course it isn't.
of course it isn't.
let's see how things turn out?
i'll try.
i've went far before.
i've reached a long way once.
i could do it again.
before 18 comes.
and till then.
though this might sound extremely selfish given my position,
i hope You watch over me.
if You don't already find me annoying that is.
till then.
till then.