Stop and stare
the little details of life, that makes it nostalgic.
Friday, February 12, 2010
@ 6:17 PM

yeah i know im 800years late in updating about my ns life.
but still
missd u haha.

zhafri's tekong memoribilia.

guess in the end u turn to look back.
to find the beginning, the start of the track.

and along the way i made good friends.
some were annoying, others i could stand.

i was ever so constantly defending and fighting
the bees and mosquitoes and oh, whatever else that'd sting

such a strange environment such a different land
i look in the mirror and *gasp*, it's a different man!

a man who's bald and tanned and dark
i then scream "are you me? WTF?????!"

image's not a concern though cuz there weren't any girls.
i only had myself and my "wife", the rifle.

and when my baby shot, yes problems did arrive.
but im just glad i made it through shootings alive.

and not forgetting the extreme exhaustion and all.
and mind you, my bunk's on the 5th floor.

add that to my rifle my body overall and boots
they made u wish u cud juz be nude

they were so heavy and yet all in all
you bring them when you walk sleep or crawl

and not forgetting the oh-so unfogiving sun
i feels like ur being baked to a bun

and when the sun sets the moon is revealed
reminding u the ghost stories that gives u the chills

they say u wud hear weird sounds at night.
but so far GOD am i glad im alright.

then in the morning you wake up all tired and dead
your body's all sore like u juz kena raped

but in the end i can't really complain much u see.
cuz after all, im just in pes c.

so above all complains, blood, mosquitoes, tears and sweat
i now look back to consolidate the memories i've had.

tekong my dear this is the last of me.
for after next week,

i shall be free~