Stop and stare
the little details of life, that makes it nostalgic.
Sunday, November 14, 2010
@ 8:04 AM

hey blog.
its been ages rite?
as always haha.

dunoe what made me feel like talking to the computer screen again.
but, after close to a year in ns.
so many things happened.
not just the dropped-my-pen-80million times but.
many, significant things.
i took.
many steps.
and, im kinda still feeling around what other options have to offer.
in so many aspects.
im grappling hold of so many things,
while doing quite decently stayin afloat.

staying afloat.
its, sacrifices.

Big Guy.
im thankful for all the goodness You've given me.
im so sorry for being the not-so-good person i hoped i cud.
lemme share this blog.
since i know no-one really knows my bloggie.

"i cant bear to not be able to return what it is ur givin,
or could give, to me.
id feel guilty.
im not that kinda guy
amd im sorry i probably made a too-good impression of myself"

Big Guy.
i dunnoe what You're planning.
but whichever the other party,
i know im gona have a bittersweet ending.

to you.
not just you but you too.
especially you.
you who held my hands on your knees.
as i teared.
and said

im sorry.

whoever you are.

i really am.